On the occasion of International Women’s Day TEVTA signed an MOU with Mahmood Textiles Multan and Pakistan Professional Women Forum to provide hard and soft skills training to more than 5000 women to be employed by the industry.
On the occasion Ali Salman, Chairperson Tevta said that this MOU is in line with its Vision 2023 whereby we are not only providing Quality Demand Driven Skills but also setting up a direct linkage with industry for Economic Opportunities for our Youth. He said that through this partnership 5000 women of the South will be trained and provided employment to become an active part of the workforce. He said according to the vision of the Prime Minister a skilled workforce based on industry demand is being built through Tevta and the new 2023 vision of Tevta is being implemented.
The MOU was facilitated by Chief Advisor TEVTA, Usman Khan who on the occasion said that the problem of idle youth in Punjab can only be solved through innovative partnerships where Tevta can provide the base human resource and industry can add the on job skillset. This will ensure young people are financially empowered and can graduate out of poverty
Anees Khawaja, Director Mahmood Textiles thanked TEVTA chairman and ensured that the partnership will reap dividends for the youth of South Punjab, especially women.
Gulalai Khan, Founder Pakistan Professional Women Forum on the occasion said that empowering women through soft skills training and mentorship sessions will ensure that women grow and find their feet in professional workplaces with confidence.
Chairperson also visited the Institute of Blue Pottery Development Multan. During his visit, he said that blue pottery has its own significance around the globe. This Industry is also providing economic opportunities to the number of people living in southern Punjab, he said adding that this is the reason that TEVTA is focusing on this industry to improve the lives of people.